Friday, August 23, 2013

Please Watch!!

Please take an hour and half of your evening to watch this incredible video
I watched this with some friends last night, and it impacted me like never before.  The Lord actually used it to confirm His calling in my life: to go to South Asia and work in a hospital, sharing the love of Jesus Christ.  Have you ever told someone about Jesus?  Ever told them that Christ is pursuing them?  Watch this, and you'll be changed forever.
He is worthy and greatly to be praised

Monday, August 12, 2013


What does it mean to be a witness?  When you use the dictionary, it doesn't give justice to the definition of witness.  What does the Bible say about it though?
"You are my witnesses," declares the Lord, "and My servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe Me and understand that I am He.  Before Me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after Me." ~Isaiah 43:10
"You are My witnesses" declares the Lord.  According to the Bible, the true Word of God, we are officially His witness!  What a privilege we have to be a witness of the One true King.  We have the freedom of running around telling everyone about Him. . .to witness to them about Christ.
"And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." ~Matthew 24:14
But do we take hold of that freedom?  How often is it that we talk to someone about our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ?  For me, the answer would be: hardly ever.  Why is that?  What is it that makes us not use this fabulous privilege?   It is a privilege, you guys.
 noun: a special right, advantage, or immunity
granted or available to only one person
or group of people.

This is a special right.  An advantage that we have to tell others about Him, that God specifically gave us.  What holds us back?  It could be fear, pride, worry, lack of knowledge, etc.  What is it that is holding you back?  Are you afraid to talk to people you don't know?  Pray about it.  Are you filled with pride that causes you to not share Christ with others?  Pray about it.  Are you worried about what others might think of you?  Pray about it.  Do you feel like you don't have enough knowledge to answer their questions?  Pray about it.

Do you see a theme here?  I think what the problem might be, is our lack of prayer.  We need to talk to the Lord about the things that are holding us back from fulfilling His great Commission.  Ask Him to take away any fear we might have, and replace it with courage.  Ask Him to change our pride into godly humility.  Ask Him to let us not become worried about anything, but instead put our trust in Him, knowing that He will guide us.  Ask Him to fill us with His knowledge so as to best answer the questions asked.  These are things that He desires us to have.  So don't be afraid to ask!

How can you be a witness right where you are?  You can witness to you neighbor.  To your coworkers. To your friends. To your family members. To someone in the grocery store. To your classmates.  You can witness to anyone.  Even just showing little acts of kindness, can be a witness to them.  It will show them that someone cares for them.  You shouldn't just walk up to someone, and judge them of all the sins they have committed. . .the best way to be a witness, is to actively show them love.  And then tell them about the path that leads to life.
 The reason I am sharing this with you, is because it is something that the Lord has been teaching me lately.  I have never really taken the chance to share God's love with people I don't know, or even those I do know.  And now, God has thrown me into an EMT class that needs me to be a witness.  To share His love. . .and He's given me 4 whole months to share it with 18 people that He has created. 
Isn't that beautiful?  18 precious people made in the image of Christ.  People that He loves so dearly.  That He wants to make His own.  But their image is scarred from the cares and evil of this world.  What a privilege I have, through God's help, to show them love.  To show them that someone cares for them.  To show them that the things of this world is not worth hanging on to.  To show them their worth in Christ Jesus our Lord.  For they are far more precious than gold.  They can be His children, if only they knew about Him.  If only they had a witness. 
Are you going to be that witness?
He is worthy and greatly to be praised